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Nov 29: Global Climate March

Global climate march 2015: hundreds of thousands march around the world.

2015 is on track to be the hottest year in recorded history, and this December hundreds of world governments will meet in Paris to try to strike a global climate agreement. It will be the biggest gathering of its kind since 2009, and it’s potentially a big deal for our global movement.

So far, however, commitments from world governments just aren’t adding up. This has the makings of a global failure of ambition — and at a moment when renewable energy is becoming a revolutionary economic force that could power a just transition away from fossil fuels.

The solutions are obvious: we need to stop digging up and burning fossil fuels, start building renewable energy everywhere we can, and make sure communities on the front lines of climate change have the resources they need to respond to the crisis.This is our message: Keep fossil fuels in the ground and finance a just transition to 100% renewable energy by 2050.



Cliffs of Moher, Ireland

Paris, France

Tokyo, Japan

Warsaw, Poland

Manilla, Philippines

Wellington, New Zeland

Kathmandu, Nepal

Johannesburg, South Africa

Melboune, Australia

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Helsink, Finland

London, England

Zurich, Switzerland

Bargny, Senegal

Oslo, Norway


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